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Expertos en consejería para adolescentes

  • Ha visto cómo su adolescente ha luchado con batallas internas. No le dejarán entrar para ayudar o, si lo hacen, se vuelve abrumador tratar de averiguar cómo ayudar a su hijo adolescente.

  • Ves el impacto que las luchas de tu hijo adolescente están teniendo en ti, tu familia y el propio adolescente. Quieres al adolescente que solías conocer.

  • Usted mismo es un adolescente y está librando una guerra contra las batallas internas que está experimentando. Hay una sensación de desesperanza a medida que trabaja duro para intentar volver a la cima, pero sigue siendo derribado.

As parents, we watch as our children grown and transition from leaning on us as a source or support, comfort. and guidance to leaning on their friends for these needs.


When we have teens or young adults who are struggling with things like depression, anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, PTSD or other challenges, we would do anything to rid them of these debilitating challenges.

We help to the fullest extent of our own knowledge, skill, and abilities and sometimes it's just not enough. We provide feedback, input, and advice based on our years of life experience and it doesn't seem to carry the weight we would like it to.


"If only they would just listen" is a truism and a phrase that many parents find themselves thinking or saying.

We watch as their friends seem to have a greater influence on them than we do at this age. As we watch the influence friends have on them, group therapy for teens and group therapy for young adults starts to, more and more, seem to be something that could help.

Led by a therapist who specializes in teen therapy and young adult counseling, the therapist can help group members form a positive peer group. This positive peer group can provide the feedback, input, and advice to help them learn to manage or overcome the challenges in their way.

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Effectiveness of Group Therapy for Teens & Young Adults

Group of young adult men and women sitting in a circle, on white chairs, with an older man in glasses holding a pen and clip board. This represents the need for group therapy for teen athletes katy, tx 77494. this also represents the need for group therapy for ptsd counseling katy, tx 77494.

Razones por las que los padres buscan terapia para adolescentes para sus adolescentes

Los padres a menudo buscan terapia para adolescentes porque se preocupan por las luchas de sus hijos adolescentes. Los cambios en el estado de ánimo y el comportamiento, que parecen más que la angustia adolescente normal, hacen que los padres se preocupen. El adolescente que alguna vez fue feliz ha desaparecido, dejando a un adolescente sumido en la confusión emocional y el dolor.

Como padres, miramos hacia atrás para tratar de encontrar un momento o eventos clave que podrían haber provocado estos cambios. Los padres pueden sentirse frustrados y abrumados al intentar todo para ayudar a su hijo adolescente. A pesar de todos los esfuerzos de los padres para ayudar, los problemas aún persisten.

El costo emocional que experimentan los padres es pesado. Comienza a invadir e impactar el trabajo y las relaciones personales. Los padres pueden comenzar a cuestionarse si han hecho lo suficiente. Las dudas comienzan a entrar causando preocupación sobre si han hecho las cosas 'correctas' o las cosas 'incorrectas'.

Luchas comunes de la vida con las que la terapia adolescente puede ayudar

Teen girl in plaid shirt and black t-shirt holding her head in her hands with question marks floating up from her. This represents the need for trauma therapy for teens houston, tx and marriage counseling katy, tx 77494. This also represents the need for teen anxiety therapist houston, tx and emdr for depression katy, tx 77494.


Group therapy for teens and young adults can be a standalone therapeutic intervention. Group therapy can also be used to supplement the teen or young adult's individual therapy. 

While those teens and young adults who participate in group therapy may have different experience, they all share one thing in common -- the current emotional or behavioral challenges they face. 

Group therapy can help teens and young adults learn to manage or overcome their challenges. Group therapy is effective in addressing the following life challenges:

We generally create the groups based on the prevalence of challenges that we are helping teens and young adults overcome through individual therapy. Yet if you have a need for a group that we are not currently offering, please contact us to explore the option of starting a group for your specific need. 

If you have a teen or young adult who is struggling with any of the above life challenges, group therapy can help. Contact us today to register your teen or young adult for group therapy.

Current Groups Being Held for Teens or Young Adults

While over time, we shift what groups are available based on the needs of the community, below are the groups currently being offered.

Co-ed Group Therapy for Teen Depression & Anxiety

Group of teen girls and boys in a circle talking to a man with a beard. This represents the need for group therapy for ptsd in katy, tx and group therapy for gifted students katy, tx 77494.


This group is a co-ed, closed group, available for the first 8 teens who register. Ages for this group are between 14-17. It is an 8-week group and is $70 per group which is paid up front.

This group will be led by Jason Drake, LCSW-S, BCN, Owner & Lead Clinician at Katy Teen & Family Counseling. Jason has been providing counseling and therapeutic services to teens, young adults, and families since 2003.


The purpose of paying up front is to encourage group members to attend each week. As group members consistently attend weekly, the group members are able to develop greater trust between group members and are more likely to share the struggles they are currently experiencing.

This group will cover psychoeducation on teen depression and teen anxiety, coping skills to learn to manage or overcome depression and anxiety, drawing on group members for coping skills that have been effective for them, and positive peer support.

Building Social Confidence for Boys: 9th - 12th Grades

Group of multicultural teenage boys walking in a school hallway, with their backpacks on. looking at their phones, smiling and laughing. This represents the need for therapy for teen depression in houston, tx and counselors specializing in trauma katy, tx 77494. This also represents the need for anxiety treatment katy, tx 77494.


Does your teenager son have difficulty making or keeping friends? Does he struggle with low self-esteem or low self-image? Does he get anxious in social situations and have difficulty expressing himself?

If your son struggles with any of the above, he is a good fit for the "Building Social Confidence" group at Katy Teen & Family Counseling. This will be an opportunity for your son to learn important skills and experience meaningful relationships with peers.

Parent Support Group

Group of parents talking after a meeting, smiling, and laughing. This represents the need for a parent support group katy, tx 77494. This also represents the need for family therapy katy, tx 77494.


Parent Support Group is a group designated specifically for parents of a struggling teenager. Raising teenagers can be challenging in the best of situations. When your teenager is struggling with depression, anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD/ADD, trauma, PTSD or other challenges, the complexity level raises substantially as a parent.

In the Parent Support Group, you will be with other parents who are parenting a struggling teen which can help with, among other things:

  • Understanding you there are other parents in similar parenting situations

  • Gain a sense of normalcy for your parenting approach as other parents "tell your story"

  • Gain helpful insight from other parents

  • Be provided with psychoeducation, resources, and tools from the therapist leading the group

  • Receive weekly support as well as access to the therapist leading the group in between sessions

Parent Support Groups are held weekly. The more you attend, the more you will get out of the group. And we also know that as a parent, life is busy, and you are welcome to attend as needed or preferred. 

Start Group Therapy for Teens & Young Adults, & Parents at Katy Teen & Family Counseling


At our Katy, Tx location of Katy Teen & Family Counseling, we provide teen therapy and young adult counseling. In addition to individual therapy and because of the effectiveness of group therapy, we also provide group therapy for teens and group therapy for young adults.

Parent Support Group is another group that we provide. Parents have requested this group, and it can be a powerful resource and support for you as a parent.

If you, your teen, or young adult is ready to start group therapy, all you need to do is follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Contact Katy Teen & Family Counseling

  2. Speak with one of our talented group therapists

  3. Start your journey of healing and support through group therapy

Servicios terapéuticos y de consejería para adolescentes Katy Teen & Family Counseling proporciona para adolescentes

En Katy Teen & Family Counseling , brindamos los siguientes servicios adicionales en Katy, Houston y las áreas circundantes:

Terapia de neurofeedback para adolescentes:

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Desensibilización y reprocesamiento del movimiento ocular (EMDR) para adolescentes:

Terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC) para adolescentes:

Consejería para estudiantes adolescentes dotados:

Terapia para atletas adolescentes talentosos:

Group of teen boys and girls smiling holding hands in a circel above their heads. This represents the need for social anxiety therapy katy, tx and depression counseling katy, tx 77494. This also represents the need for therapy for trauma katy, tx 77494.
Effectiveness of Group Theray for Teens & Yong Adults
Common Reasons Teens or Young Adults Start Group Therapy
Common Life Struggles Group Therapy Can Help With
Curren Groups Being Held for Teens or Young Adults
Start Group Therpy for Teens or Young Adults at KatyTeen & Famiy Counseling
Other Therapeutic Services Offered at Katy Teen & Family Counselig
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